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We believe in the power of students to shape the future. We can help you make that a reality.

Our Services

Meaningful Inclusion of Young People in Decision-Making

We provide strategies and frameworks to ensure students and young people's voices are heard and valued in organizational and governmental decision-making processes. This includes:

  • Training Sessions: Empowering young people with the skills and knowledge they need to effectively participate in decision-making processes.
  • Workshops: Interactive workshops that facilitate discussions between young people and decision-makers, fostering mutual understanding and collaboration.
  • Advisory Services: Providing expert advice to organizations and governments on how to incorporate youth perspectives into their decision-making frameworks.

Policy Development and Analysis

Assistance in developing policies that reflect the needs and perspectives of young people. We also offer policy analysis services to evaluate the impact of existing policies on youth and students. This includes:

  • Policy Development: Working with stakeholders to create policies that are inclusive of youth perspectives, addressing issues such as education, employment, and mental health.
  • Impact Analysis: Conducting evaluations of existing policies to assess their effectiveness and impact on young people, providing recommendations for improvement.
  • Consultation: Facilitating consultations with young people to gather their input and ensure that policies are relevant and effective.

Capacity Building for Youth Organizations

Training and support for youth-led organizations to enhance their effectiveness and sustainability. Services include:

  • Leadership Training: Developing the leadership skills of young people and students to enable them to effectively lead and manage their organizations.
  • Organizational Development: Providing guidance on best practices for organizational management, including governance, strategic planning, and financial management.
  • Resource Mobilization: Assisting youth and student organizations in identifying and securing resources, including funding and partnerships, to support their activities and growth.

Educational Workshops and Seminars

Interactive workshops and seminars on topics such as leadership, civic engagement, and sustainable development. Tailored to different age groups and educational levels, these include:

  • Leadership Workshops: Training young people in essential leadership skills, such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.
  • Civic Engagement Seminars: Educating young people on their rights and responsibilities as citizens, and how they can actively participate in democratic processes.
  • Sustainable Development Workshops: Raising awareness about sustainable development goals and encouraging young people to engage in initiatives that promote environmental sustainability and social equity.


The Global Student Forum is a registered non-profit association. We only provide services that are within our purpose in the interest of the public good.