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Aisha Khurram

Aisha Khurram is a Steering Committee member representing the voice of the associate membership from July 2023 to March 2024

Aisha Khurram

As the former Afghan Youth Representative to the UN, she was pursuing her undergraduate studies in the department of law and political science at Kabul University. 

She had one month to graduate when the Afghan government collapsed in August 2021. After the Taliban takeover, she left Afghanistan and has been living in Germany since then. Aisha received two scholarships from Gerda Henkel Stiftung and Bard College Berlin, where she is currently pursuing her undergraduate degree in Humanities, concentrating on Ethics and Politics.

Aisha was a peace activist in Afghanistan who advocated for the meaningful participation of Afghan youth in the Afghan peace process by co-founding national youth consensus for peace and being a member of young female peace mediator initiative of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Afghanistan.

In February 2022 she started her advocacy efforts for Afghan girls’ right to education together with the network of former youth delegates to UN. Their advocacy efforts led to the establishment of an E-learning platform with the support of UNESCO office in Afghanistan through which Afghan girls are provided with online accredited degree courses to continue and complete their higher education. She has been recently elected as the steering committee member of the Global Students Forum and has been voluntarily working as the regional leader of Tertiary students’ Network since February 2022.

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The Communication team curates Global Student Forums' digital content and prepares publications. It is a small, dedicated team from around the world.