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Carmen Romero

Carmen Romero is a Steering Committee Member representing the European Students' Union from July 2020 to July 2022.

Carmen Romero

Carmen got involved with the student movement in Spain for the first time in high school. Since then she held multiple leadership positions on the local, national, continental and global level. She is the former president of the student council at Complutense University of Madrid and former president of the national unions of students in Spain, CREUP.

Carmen also served as the membership coordinator of the European Students Union and is a founding member of the Global Student Forum Steering Committee where she represents the voice of more than 20 million European higher education students. 

Carmen holds a Bachelor degree in Political Science and Public Administration from Complutense University of Madrid as well as a Master degree in International Politics from Université libre de Bruxelles. She is passionate about organisational development and the role of young people in shaping education policies. 

GSF Steering Committee Portfolios:

  • Gender Justice
  • Equality
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The Communication team curates Global Student Forums' digital content and prepares publications. It is a small, dedicated team from around the world.