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Ester Simon

Ester Simon serves on the Global Campaign for Education Executive Board

Ester Simon

Ester Simon is a dedicated advocate for education, girl child and women empowerment, public policy, and social justice. As a Board Member of the Global Campaign for Education, she represents youth and students, emphasizing her global commitment to education. Ms. Simon serves as the Secretary General for the Southern African Students Union, and advocates for student interests in all 16 member states within the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Ms. Simon is the President of the Pan African Female Youth Leaders, where she empowers and advances the rights of young African women.

Her historic role as the 17th and first female President of the Namibian National Students Organization highlights her leadership and advocacy for student rights. She contributes to the shaping of policies and constitutions as a member of the All-African Students Union Constitutional Review Committee. As the founder of Joyrise Private Academy, she plays a pivotal role in education and community development. Serving as a Presidential Advisor on the High-Level Panel on the Namibian Economy, she offers strategic solutions to the Namibian Head of State on how to boost the Namibian economy. Her activism for access to education showcases her commitment to equitable and inclusive educational opportunities.

Her impressive educational background includes degrees in English, Literature, and Communication, ongoing studies in Law and Leadership and Change Management, and an Honorary Doctorate Degree. Her recognition and awards, such as being named one of the “100 Most Influential Young Africans” in 2018 and the AASU’s Citation of Honor Award highlights her significant contributions to student leadership and advocacy. Ester Simon’s dedication to strengthening global solidarity and peace underlines her broader vision of promoting harmony and cooperation on an international scale.

In summary, Ester Simon’s multifaceted contributions and achievements make her an influential figure in education and student advocacy, impacting both national, regional and global levels.

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The Communication team curates Global Student Forums' digital content and prepares publications. It is a small, dedicated team from around the world.