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Felix Sesay

Felix Sesay is a Steering Committee Member representing the voice of the associate membership from March 2024 to July 2024. He serves as the coordinator of the Working Group on Refugee Students.

Felix Sesay

A Sierra Leonean refugee based in Ghana, Felix Sesay embodies resilience and commitment as a fervent advocate for refugee education and gender equality. His journey reflects the transformative power of education amidst adversity, driving his unwavering dedication to uplifting marginalized communities.

A member of the  Tertiary Refugee Students’ Network (TRSN), Felix is recognized for his significant contributions to refugee activism, notably championing the ‘Together for Learning’ campaign during his tenure with the Refugee Education Council, Canada. His impactful work garnered international recognition, earning him a spot among the UN Youth Envoy’s ten youth volunteers in 2020.

For over two years, he worked with the United Nations Populations Fund and the Planned Parenthood Association in Ghana, supporting crucial interventions for sexual and gender minorities.

Beyond advocacy, Felix demonstrates compassion through extensive community volunteerism, providing healthcare services and educational support to underprivileged areas, including refugee camps. His journey exemplifies the profound impact of education in reshaping individual destinies and entire community narratives, reaffirming his belief in its transformative potential.

Communication team profile image Communication team
The Communication team curates Global Student Forums' digital content and prepares publications. It is a small, dedicated team from around the world.