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Macbeth Kwame Combey

Macbeth Kwame Combey is a Communication Officer at the Global Student Forum.

Macbeth Kwame Combey

Macbeth Kwame Combey is a member of the Communications and Social Media Team at the Secretariat of the Global Student Forum, where he serves as a Graphic Designer. Additionally, he is currently working with the All-Africa Students Union (AASU) also. Macbeth’s passion lies in utilizing the principles of graphic design to engage with local culture and emerging trends.

He adeptly employs his graphic design skills to capture the essence of life and harmoniously blend contemporary cultural expressions with the realm of fine arts. Macbeth’s particular interest lies in using traditional kente designs as a means of showcasing the profound understanding of Ewe culture through his artistic creations.

Macbeth holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design from Radford University College, located in East Legon, Ghana.

Communication team profile image Communication team
The Communication team curates Global Student Forums' digital content and prepares publications. It is a small, dedicated team from around the world.