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Mutesi Hadijah

Mutesi Hadijah was elected in August 2023 to the High-Level Steering Group for the UN's global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises; Education Cannot Wait.

Mutesi Hadijah

Mutesi Hadijah is a Ugandan youth and student activist who strongly believes in the power of education to change lives and has worked extensively to protect and deliver the right to education for girls, women and refugees. Working with the Global Students Forum through her role as Vice President of the Uganda National Students Association, she has worked with the media and government agencies to advocate for girls and refugee education at a national, regional and global level.

Mutesi has tirelessly shed light on the lack of support for refugee education and the importance of assimilation efforts in Uganda, which hosts the largest refugee population in Africa. Her work on refugee rights, which included a series of national news stories, has not only resulted in increased awareness in public discourse but prompted action from Ugandan decision-makers. Mutesi is also an active member of the Gender Advocacy Working Group at the All-Africa Students Union and has personally engaged school authorities in Uganda to prevent child marriage.

Mutesi's work

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