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Working Group on Environmental Justice

This group works to promote environmental awareness and sustainability in educational settings globally. They work on policy advocacy and sharing of best practices.

Working Group on Environmental Justice
Photo by Markus Spiske / Unsplash

The Working Group on Environmental Justice has outlined the following objectives to guide its actions and initiatives:

  1. Promote Environmental Awareness: Increase understanding and consciousness about environmental issues and sustainability among students and educational communities worldwide. This involves disseminating information on the importance of ecological conservation and sustainable practices.
  2. Foster Sustainable Practices: Encourage the adoption of sustainable practices within student unions and educational institutions. This includes providing resources and guidance to help integrate sustainability into their operations, activities, and curricula.
  3. Facilitate Knowledge Sharing: Create platforms for sharing best practices, innovative solutions, and success stories related to sustainability in education. This aims to inspire and mobilize student organizations and educational institutions to take meaningful environmental actions.
  4. Conduct Research and Gather Data: Undertake research initiatives, such as global surveys, to gather insights into the attitudes, practices, and needs of student organizations regarding sustainability. This data will inform the development of targeted strategies and resources to support their environmental efforts.
  5. Engage in Policy Advocacy: Advocate for policies at local, national, and international levels that support environmental justice, sustainability in education, and the inclusion of student voices in climate-related decision-making processes.
  6. Build a Global Network: Establish a global network of student leaders, environmental activists, and sustainability professionals. This community will collaborate on projects, share knowledge, and support each other in mutual goals of promoting environmental justice and sustainability.
  7. Support Global Environmental Initiatives: Participate in and contribute to international environmental initiatives and discussions, such as the Conference of Parties (COP) meetings, to represent the interests and perspectives of the global student community.

Through these objectives, the GSF Working Group on Environmental Justice aims to create a significant impact on how educational institutions and student organizations contribute to a more sustainable and just world.


Anand Jha
Anand is an ambitious Indian law aspirant, passionate about justice and influencing legal systems. Currently, he’s a Management Trainee at Younity, with internships at Studomatrix – Y20 task force and Demonstrative Learning. His skills range from graphic design and video editing to team management, SEO, and communications. Besides his professional roles, Anand enjoys reading and writing, especially on social topics. His diverse abilities and dedication position him to create meaningful change.

Janet Tali
Janet Tali, a 22-year-old from Papua New Guinea, is an active youth advocate and student leader. She’s studying law at the University of Papua New Guinea and leads initiatives in local unions and student groups. Janet coordinates awareness programs for various socio-economic and environmental issues, contributing significantly to youth advocacy. Additionally, she volunteers with United Nations organizations and church groups, providing paralegal services to NGOs. Her involvement with the Global Student Forum provides her with a global platform to connect and learn from diverse perspectives, especially as part of the Environmental Justice team. She seeks to be a voice and instrument of hope and change in the world.

Akhil Sankar
Akhil Sankar is doing his Mechanical Engineering at APJ Kalam Technological University, Kerala. He is an expert in sustainable energy systems and works to develop renewable energy sources that are both efficient and affordable. In addition to volunteering, he has conducted programs on deforestation and environmental justice and presented technological ideas and solutions for improving environmental sustainability. He is passionate about finding ways to reduce the environmental impact of human activities and works to create a more sustainable future.

Mohamed Alex Koroma
Mohamed Alex Koroma is a Pan Africanist Student, Youth, Environmental Justice, and Peace Ambassador in Sierra Leone. An agricultural economist and law student, he’s served in key roles in the Students’ Representative Council at Njala University. He represents Sierra Leone in the Commonwealth Students Association and is the Director of Agriculture, Trade, and Investment at the National Union of Sierra Leone Students. He’s also an Executive Director of the Center for Community Advocacy and Services Sierra Leone, which helped eradicate COVID-19. As a passionate farmer, he initiated the first Students Union Farm in Sub-Sahara Africa.

Pascal Wambua
Pascal Wambua is an Economist from the University of Nairobi and currently serves as the Regional Coordinator for the Eastern region of the Kenya Malaria Youth Army. With a passion for youth economic empowerment, climate action, and mental health, Pascal actively engages in initiatives that aim to address these pressing issues. Through his expertise in economics, he contributes valuable insights to various projects and advocates for sustainable development practices. Pascal strives to create a positive impact by promoting awareness, education, and collaborative efforts in these areas.

Anant Dev Singh
Anant Dev Singh is a student activist and humanitarian. As the Founder and President of Real Politik Minds, an international student’s organization, Singh has been facilitating debates and discussions on global issues, fostering an environment of awareness and intellectual engagement among students. Beyond his work with Real Politik Minds, Singh’s commitment to social welfare is evident in his extensive service record. He has contributed his time, efforts, and expertise to more than 30 organizations, embodying the principles of social work and making a significant impact in various communities.

Anirudh Sharma
Anirudh Sharma is a social activist and tech expert from India with more than three years of experience in teen national and international organisations. He is a computer science engineering student. 


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