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Join the Monthly Members' call

If you want to learn from what other member organisations in GSF are up to, or are interested in the latest global developments relevant for student organisations, the Monthly Briefing is the right place for you.

Join the Monthly Members' call

The Monthly call is a one-hour online call where member organisations of the GSF can come together to share updates, projects, and learnings. It is a space for the membership to connect across the world, find new partnerships, and learn from each other's work. Here, GSF presents some of the latest updates and relevant global developments while also aiming to find new ways to include member organisations in its work.

The standard agenda for the meeting goes as follows:

1. Welcome and Introduction (7 minutes)

  • Welcome note by a GSF Chair.
  • Brief overview of the meeting’s agenda.

2. Global Developments Snapshot (20 minutes)

  • Presentation of a curated list of significant global events, policies, or news related to student unions and organisations in the past month.
  • Opportunity for quick reactions or comments from member organizations on the developments.

3. Member Spotlight (20 minutes)

  • Every month, two to three member organizations share a more in-depth presentation on a successful initiative, challenge, or experience from their region.
  • The idea is to provide richer insights into different global contexts and foster the sharing of best practices.
  • Short Q&A after each spotlight presentation.

4. Open Floor Discussion (10 minutes)

  • A moderated Q&A or open discussion about the presentations or the global snapshot.
  • Members are encouraged to raise questions, share related experiences, or propose collaborations.

5. Closing Remarks and Forward Look (3 minutes)

  • Summary of the main takeaways from the meeting.
  • A brief preview of next month's agenda and upcoming GSF events or international moments.

Get the invite for the next Monthly Members' call

Please note that this briefing is only open for member organisations of GSF. If your organisation is not a member (or part of an umbrella organisation, that is), we encourage you to apply for membership, or use one of the other opportunities on the Take Action page.

Would you like to share an update for the Member Spotlight?

Tell us shortly what you would like to share and why you think it is important for the members to know about.

Communication team profile image Communication team
The Communication team curates Global Student Forums' digital content and prepares publications. It is a small, dedicated team from around the world.