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Launch event - Going Green: A Guidebook for Student Unions

Sign up now to join the online event May 21., 1 PM CEST. Get new insights on how to make student unions green and sustainable from the GSF Going Green Guidebook.

Launch event - Going Green: A Guidebook for Student Unions

The Global Student Forum (GSF) invites students, leaders, and advocates to participate in this 1 hour online event, where we'll present tools to help student unions adopt sustainable and environmentally responsible practices.

Time and location
May 21, 1 PM CEST, Online


Introduction (10 minutes)

  • Welcome by the moderator, Mohamed Alex Koroma.
  • Key note by GSF Executive Director, Jacob Blasius

Panel Discussion (25 minutes)

  • Topic: Implementing Sustainable Practices in Student Unions
  • Panelist:
    • Anand jha
    • Janet Tali
    • Anant Dev
    • Anirudh Sharma
  • Discussion Points:
    • Key strategies from the Going Green Guidebook.
    • Real-life examples of overcoming financial and logistical challenges.
    • The role of indigenous knowledge in enhancing sustainability efforts.

Q&A Session (15 minutes)

    • Open Floor for Audience Questions

Closing Remarks(10 minutes)

Sign up now

You can already download the guidebook now

Going Green: A Guidebook for Student Unions
GSF is happy to present a new guidebook for student unions. Over 38 pages, our Environmental Justice team showcase strategies for overcoming financial constraints, organizing sustainability campaigns, embracing indigenous knowledge, and much more.
Communication team profile image Communication team
The Communication team curates Global Student Forums' digital content and prepares publications. It is a small, dedicated team from around the world.