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Introducing GSF Guidebook on AI in Education

In a world increasingly driven by technology, artificial intelligence (AI) continues to shape multiple aspects of our daily lives, including education.

Introducing GSF Guidebook on AI in Education

As the potential of AI in education unfolds, it brings along a mixture of opportunities and challenges that we must address to ensure an equitable, transparent, and ethical AI-driven future.

With this backdrop, we're excited to announce the launch of a comprehensive guidebook by the Global Student Forum. This guidebook provides a roadmap to the current state of AI in education, examining its potential, identifying key challenges, and offering practical, policy-oriented recommendations for student unions.

Created with the objective of fostering a deeper understanding of AI's potential impact on education, the guidebook equips student unions with vital insights to promote the ethical and transparent use of AI. It offers a detailed examination of critical areas like ethics, privacy, intellectual property, the role of AI in assessment, potential biases, and the influence on teachers and students.

Importantly, the guidebook also provides actionable recommendations, including advocating for transparency in AI usage, promoting privacy and data ownership, supporting teacher training on AI, encouraging diversity and inclusivity in AI development, and pushing for research and evaluation of AI tools in education.

We believe that students are not just beneficiaries of AI-enhanced education but should be active participants in shaping its future. Hence, the guidebook encourages student unions to raise awareness, monitor AI use, create student-led AI initiatives, foster partnerships with industry and academia, and most importantly, add their voices to the ongoing AI debate.

As student leaders, the Global Student Forum guidebook offers you an empowering resource to understand and address AI's increasing role in education. Its launch underscores our belief that an informed and engaged student body is essential in shaping a fair and effective AI-driven education system.

We invite you to dive into this comprehensive guidebook and join us in driving the conversation on AI in education. Let's together ensure that the AI revolution in education serves everyone, enhancing learning and teaching while upholding ethical principles and human connection.

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The Communication team curates Global Student Forums' digital content and prepares publications. It is a small, dedicated team from around the world.