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Representing the students of the world

Five regional unions, more than 190 national and international organisations, encompassing 5900+ local organisations

Speaking at the general debate of the High-level Political Forum post feature image
GSF Condemns Violence Against Students in Bangladesh post feature image
Contribute to Survey on the UN Summit of the Future post feature image
9th Global Education Monitoring Report Advisory Board Meeting post feature image
Response to Findings on SDG 4 in the UN SDG Goals 2024 Report post feature image
Academic Freedom at 56th Session of the UN Human Rights Council post feature image
Policy Dialogue and Asia-Pacific launch of Recommendation on Education, Human Rights, and Sustainable Development post feature image
10 Ways - Not to Include Students Meaningfully in Education Governance post feature image
Introducing the New Steering Committee of the Global Student Forum post feature image
Debating the future of the UN at Democracy Festival post feature image
The desert is coming. How does it impact students and education? post feature image
Global Student Forum to Host Youth Democracy Movement post feature image
Welcome Event for New Members of Working Groups post feature image
Reflections on student empowerment in the Global Partnership for Education post feature image
The Mahsa Revolution and Student Protests in Iran post feature image
Times of financial constraint call for alignment of efforts at the ECW ExCom meeting post feature image
GSF Joins Democratic Youth Constituency for Climate Action post feature image
Urgent Appeal for Safety for International Students in Kyrgyzstan post feature image
Defining Meaningful Partnerships at the Nordic-African Conference on Quality Education post feature image
São Paulo - Student Protest is Not a Crime post feature image

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